CHP (natural gas)
TETEC AG, Reutlingen
Utilisation of condensing technology in a Buderus natural gas CHP unit
Geibeltbad Pirna, Pirna
Utilisation of condensing technology in a Buderus natural gas CHP unit
BADRIA, swimming pool, sports and leisure centre, Wasserburg am Inn
Natural gas CHP unit utilising condensing technology
Schlossbergkellerei GmbH, Althengstett, Germany
Sokratherm CHP unit utilising condensing technology
Cornelis van Spronsen landscaping, Westoverledingen, Germany
Natural gas CHP unit utilising condensing technology
Steigenberger Hotel „Der Sonnenhof“, Bad Wörishofen, Germany
Move CHP unit utilising condensing technology
Parkhotel St. Leonhard, Überlingen, Germany
BOMAT condensing technology improves energy balance
Birkle Clinic, Überlingen, Germany
Sokratherm CHP unit utilising condensing technology
Klinikum am Weissenhof hospital, Weinsberg, Germany
Sokratherm CHP unit utilising condensing technology
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